As the weather gets colder the Sultana High School boys are fired up to start the soccer season. This year welcomes the last season in this team for multiple players such as captain Giovanni Vitela, a senior at Sultana High School. He has played for the boy’s soccer team all four years of high school. All the boys dedicate themselves to arduous hours of practice and meetings, which take place after school most weeks, this is showcased in the field where most players show off their skills and dedication to the game. The season starts with a preseason match happening in their home field on November 16th at 4:30 p.m. against Silverado High School, after this, there are eight home matches from December until January 31st which is also the last game of the season against Apple Valley High School.
The excitement can also be seen in junior varsity players, most of whom are starting their first season playing for the Sultana soccer team. Alex Romero is a Sultana freshman who shares his excitement with his team as stated “I feel good, I’m happy to be on a team for the first time and I think of a lot of them as brothers and I would be happy to play with them for the next couple of years”. Both teams share a big passion for the game, which can be noticeable by their family-like bond with each other, the boys joke around when the time permits or even play games after meetings, and the excitement for this new season can also be seen around campus as Daniel Maravilla another freshman at Sultana stated “I want to attend my first soccer game at sultana and support a lot of my friends playing in the field”. The season promises good games and a fun time for spectators and players alike.