Happy Native American Heritage Month! At the beginning of November, activities are being held throughout California to celebrate and understand Indigenous peoples.
Events happening at California State University, San Bernardino during the month of November, can be found at https://www.csusb.edu.Which is open to the community to see.
The California Native American Heritage Commission (https://nahc.ca.gov) is also holding a number of events, both online and in person.
At Sultana High School, however, the school isn’t doing any school-wide events. Tynelle Olivas Davis, a teacher at Sultana and a part of the Navajo, Hopi, and Blackfoot, cultures (as well as Hispanic) states, “As someone of Native American blood, there are many things I appreciate about how American public schools try to incorporate Native American history, customs, and beliefs into the classroom; however, it is done inconsistently and haphazardly.”
On the contrary, if a student wants to celebrate their native culture they can make their way to the multicultural student union, where they will eat and talk about each other’s cultures for this month. Meetings are held at building B-218 (her temporary classroom) on Thursdays.