Unethical is No Longer Acceptable: Finding Consciences Clothing Brands

Jacynda Klunk

Exclusively online shopping has become the reality for most Americans. The coronavirus has forced us into isolation, leaving our craving for new clothes at an online pace. Hopefully, your wifi isn’t running slow. 

Many of our favorite brands are not as humane and sustainable as we would all hope. Manufacturing clothes that are cruelty free while using fair labor practices and being kind to the environment is not as common as you think. 

Huge companies all over the world have profited off of children working, not abiding by  minimum wage laws, and hurting animals. For example, L’Oreal, Shein, Clorox, Nike, Victoria’s Secret, Zara, Fashion Nova, and Forever 21 all fall short of ethical standards. 

Using the website, goodonyou.eco, you find that many popular brands are not so ethical, reliable, sustainable, or kind.

L’Oreal tests on animals, along with Clorox and Johnson & Johnson. Shein, along with Fashion Nova, Zara, and Forever 21, does not treat workers well and has been accused of using child labor. Last but not least, every single one of these brands is terrible for the environment. 

When asked if they were aware of the transgressions of these companies, Kylee Wilson, a freshman attending Sultana High School,  responded, ¨I did not know that was going on… This makes me feel like I do not want to support companies that will go out of their way to cause harm, simply because it costs more money or work to be an ethical company.”

Denying fair wages, the protection of animals, and the safety of the environment has gone on far too long. 

Finding products that are good to the world, good to people, and good to animals needs to become a priority. By supporting unethical companies, we allow them to continue their harmful practices. 

¨I was not aware of these companies doing this damage. I think it’s awful. I do not want to show my support to companies that don’t benefit the world” said Leila Covarubio.

It is scary that people are just now opening their eyes and starting to solve the problems we have turned a blind eye to.  Many of these companies make plenty of money. Why are we allowing them to do things that harm the world when they can afford to change? 

If companies don’t change their bad habits, you can by supporting moral brands.  Ethical clothing companies can be found on the website goodonyou.eco. This website gives you the option to look up any clothing brand you want so you can see the ratings for yourself. 

As well as discovering unethical clothing, I found myself amazed by some of the most economically, animal, and people friendly companies. For example Patagonia, Adidas, and a recently thriving business CHNGE all have ethical business practices in place.

Through researching the sustainability of these companies and the obvious damage being spread to the world, I realized that we are creating an easily fixable problem. 

We can put an end to this damage, to this harm, by shopping at respectable companies. We should support the companies who treat the world, people, and animals well.